Thursday, August 02, 2007

Birthday Shout Out: Danny

Today my friend and old next-door neighbor Danny, turns 34! "Nahstee Dahneee" as I like to call him is one of the most interesting and genuinely likable people I have ever met. So I thought for his bday I'd do an:

First of all - his nickname that I call him dates back ages because he doesn't like to take showers. Okay, it actually dates back to before I even met him and the boys who lived next door at Dove Street in Hillcrest - but evidently, the story goes (according to my ex, Mik - his old roommate and one of his best friends) that when they first moved to San Diego from the Bay Area and lived in a "Crack House" in North Park, there was no water or something like that, so he didn't shower for days. Even playing soccer. Gross.
Danny is one of the most open sons of bitches you'll ever meet. He has no problem hanging around gay men or drinking in their bars (he totally is tuned in that gay men = hot chick friends who hang out with them).

When I first moved in next door, Danny tried hitting on me (actually doing the cheesy teenage "yawn-stretch-arm-up-and-over-so-it-rests-behind-my-neck" move) because he thought I was Middle Eastern and he likes ethnic girls.

I actually thought, upon moving in, that he and my afore-mentioned ex, Mik were a gay couple (cus they were always hanging out and leaving together in the same car for soccer practice).

Danny is the most generous person I have ever met. He insists upon treating his friends to drinks and dinners and therefore can make over $100k and STILL be broke.

One of my fave Danny moments was going to San Fran with the old gang and since we were all so poor we could only afford 1 hotel room and he, generously (see??!!), offered to sleep in the closet. (See pic of Mik and I having staged a wig next to him in bed as if he woke up with someone in the closet!!)
Danny and I did our first half-marathon together - yes, he drank margaritas and ate nachos the night before the race EVEN after we had totally carbo-loaded at dinner at my sister's house.

Yet another interesting Dan fact was when he went on a month-long super expensive trip to Iran (we were all scared and praying his crystal blue-eyed Minnesota white arse would just make it home in 1 piece) and he fell in love with some rich Iranian princesses and brought home thousands of dollars worth of Persian rugs and gifts and was so broke that it stressed him out and he had to take ANOTHER week off of work just laying around on the couch watching bad TV.

Yup, that is Danny. His life can be upside down but he'll still be willing to go grab a drink with you and treat you to it. Anytime, any place.

He also has pretty, naturally red lips that look like he is wearing lipstick.


PS - I even love Danny even though he used to call my cat, Jordy, an a**hole when he'd generously open the screen door at 4am to let him in when my skittish cat would be meowing but then, like clock-work, would run away to Dan's disgust.


Anonymous said...

Does he read your blog?

Elsa Martinez said...

Why are you looking for a date? He's actually much cuter and gayer looking in real life. These pics are old and funny - which is why I chose them. :)

Anonymous said...

That was some funny shit. But I was comforting you, not hitting on you!