Thursday, August 16, 2007

YouTube reporting and digital recording..

I hate to admit it - feel like I am cheating on - but I love the digital camera Patrick bought me in Oahu last summer. I was the only person left in the world still using regular film, with an old camera held together by tape that I had used for 15 years throughout college and around the world.

That said my Pentax digital one is compact, nifty, takes pretty darn-good pictures and even has a video recorder option which once in a while I actually remember to use...

You might have seen my YouTube posted videos of Ireland. (Stupidly I deleted my Peru, Inkan Trail one). Here are a couple of our July camping trip to California's Big Sur. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sis still doesn't own a digital camera. It's very frustrating when it comes to sharing pics. - D