Those who know me know I hate waste of any kind. And know that I am especially aware of energy-waste. I've driven roommates mad in the past, shutting off lights as they left the room, unplugging the microwave even because I don't need the little electric clock on it, wearing scarves, sweaters and a ski hat indoors in the winter instead of turning on the heater. Patrick currently shakes his head at my exiting my car sweaty because I refuse to put on the air conditioning. Scoff or laugh as you may: I have always been concerned why some people just don't get it. It's all a matter of teaching them - that is all! In Europe, recycling has been the law and very accessible long before the little blue bins (that aren't mandatory) began to appear here in the USA - don't get me started on why Americans think they are so privileged and self-entitled as to not have to do what other countries, even poorer ones, do. We need to teach our kids - especially - about energy and water conservation for this is going to be an even greater problem for them and their offspring.
Some people will put their noses in the air at this current concert - pointing out that it won't have the effect that, say, LIVE AID, did in the 1980s. No... it probably won't. But it isn't it just somewhat inspiring and moving to know that throughout this 24-hour period - all around the world - millions of people are joined in a community of awareness of an issue that equally affects us all - no matter where we live, the color of our skin or how rich or poor we are??? It's history in the making.
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