Thursday, July 26, 2007

Comic Con Royalty

My blog-mentioned friend Richelle is super-tanned and back in town after spending more than a month abroad (including 2 weeks in Northern Italia visiting my ex, Miky, in hisblog-mentioned village). I wanted to hear about her trip and catch up so I invited her last night to go out downtown with me and my New York actor friend, Jimmy, - in town for the International Comic-Con Convention. Jimmy and his good friend, John, had already arrived a day prior and I took them , as tradition deems, to In N Out Burger since the 2 demand it off the plane every year! It was a very fun night - Jimmy is generous and hilarious (as long as we see each other only once a year so we don't start bickering like we did when I was stuck with his bitter ass on tour for months across country). heheheh. Richelle was a perfect companion - as she is just as crazy, open and sarcastic as the New Yorkers with us. It turns out we had major comic industry royalty treating us to dinner and drinks. Above-mentioned John Cassaday (whom I met the first time last year when he and Jimmy came out) I already knew is a very successful and hot-topic artist and director - drawing for Astonishing X-Men, Batman, Ghost, Excalibur to name a few. He also is about 6'1, very intelligent, humble and a good-looking, sarcastic son of a bitch. Evidently both men AND women in the industry want to sleep with him.

We also had the editor-in-chief of Marvel Comics: Joe Quesada - shout out to my Hispanic gente kicking ass and being in command - and 2 other artists: (Little) John and Nick - didn't get their last names. And as they humbly pointed out they are not half as famous as John C and Joe Q. The funny thing was that Richelle and I don't know anything about their Business and that, as Jimmy pointed out, and Joe echoed, "Was better that way.." They evidently will be swamped the next few days at the Con with fans and signing autographs for hours and were very content just having a good time out on the town not talking about business or dealing with crazed-fans. I can honestly say that it was a very enjoyable evening in the company of very talented artists - which goes to show that looks mean nothing if one is intelligent, passionate, humble, yet confident in his gifts. I am almost sorry I am leaving town and won't be able to see them the rest of their stay! Until next year! Good times :)


Anonymous said...

saw it, fool! some corrections. this is my 3RD year. remember the first year i didnt call you?

and, who's bitter? puh leaze. clearly, you dont see me much. my life is happy and people love me. so there. eat it! :P

tell richelle to drop me an email or send me hers. i want to drop her a line. she's awesome.

aight, talk atcha, punk!

typing drunk from the complimentary hotel lobby computer,

Anonymous said...

That was CRAZY. Seeing R sitting next to Cassaday just didn’t seem natural! It’s hilarious that they said it was probably for the best that you didn’t know anything about comics! I’ll give it to you in a nutshell!

Those pics do NOT do Cassaday justice! He is one of those fair white boys that just don’t photograph well! He is hot. His art on The Planetary (written by Warren Ellis) is so amazing I could weep. That masterpiece was truly an adult comic and I wish he’d stop squandering his talent on the ho-hum Astonishing X-men and if I see him at the Con today or tomorrow I’ll let him know.

I have mixed feelings on Quesada. He SAVED Marvel by bringing in an amazing amount of talent but his focus on event driven (rather than character driven) comics forced me to wash my hands of the whole line! If I see him at con today or tomorrow I’ll let him know.

You may thank me for this schooling with biscuits! Must get ready for the Con!


Anonymous said...

LOVE it! I had a great time. We need to go out again after all your trips, have fun camping :) and in SF!

- Richele