I would like to wish a hearty “Congratulations” to my old roommate, Kim AKA ‘Grapefruit’ on her recent nuptials with her younger, sailorboy: ‘Jughead Rob’!!! The pair survived with Kim living in Hillcrest with me, Caren and the boys next door while Rob spent a year on deployment. Even though she was all-too-quick to agree to join us at the neighborhood gay bars where she’d become inebriated on the strong drinks, she was a lamb and always made pancakes when the boys would open our door on Sunday morning and yell, “Kim…..Pancakes!!” Best wishes and God’s blessings to the happy couple – now residing on the east coast.
PS – these were the only digital pics I had of Grapefruit, as I only had a regular film camera back then. To explain – this was a pic of Kim next to a birthday cake disaster she made – but of course we still ate!! The other was a hot night out..to the gay bars!!!
There are pics on my flickr site but I have the privacy block on them. If you need one I can e-mail you a pic.
Caren - i have no details on the wedding - so yes, if you want to write a snippet and send a pic with it, I'll post it! I haven't even heard back from her yet!! I am thrilled for her and Rob :)
Elsa, thanks for the walk down memory lane! :) Those were some good times, weren't they? Well, Rob and I just got back from our honeymoon, which was a wonderful time! We're both so tan right now!! As for the wedding, it went by so quickly. Rob and I both agree that even though it felt like a whirlwind, our wedding turned out really well.
Kim a.k.a. "Grapefruit"
the newlywed Bride speaks!!! :) Cheers to the couple!
You can check out more information on the wedding at cjcrash.blogspot.com.
I finally posted the wedding blog.
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