Alas: it's PRIDE weekend in my old home of Hillcrest, San Diego. This will be the 2nd year in a row I cannot make it but it always ends up incredibly hot and the parade isn't as fun as we expect. Still the bars will be kicking and so big hugs to all the 'girls' that will be partying it up the whole weekend!

This picture is from a couple years ago taken at uber gay club,
Montage. I guess it just proves 3 things:
1). it's impossible to keep Elsa off a stage
2). it's impossible to keep a 6'4 drag queen away from Elsa
3). it's impossible for my ex Italian to keep his shirt on at an uber gay club
Come to think of it: all 3 of us could pass as drag queens in this photo!!!
looks like a Gwen Stefani drag queen...
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