Thursday, January 25, 2007

80s Song of the Week - #3 New Order "True Faith"

This was my favorite New Order song back in high school circa 1987. The biggest reason is because my month-long boyfriend (popular, older, stylish and DJ: Ryan Takashima) when I was only a gawky, oblivious sophomore had dedicated this song to me at a party he Deejayed right in front of the whole popular social clique of Juniors. (Sounds silly, but to a goody-goody, sheltered, wall-flower like me and within the ridiculous politics of high school social drama) it was extremely important to me and my status!

Long after Ryan dumped me (undoubtedly because I WAS a goody-goody, wall-flower, sheltered sophomore) I still always liked the song for it's great dramatic lyrics, "The morning sun is the drug that brought me here, to a place that I lost replaced by fear."
I'm a SUCKER for depressing and sad lyrics, always have been: always will be. he he he.

As for the video: I regard it like modern dance. I don't really like it, but I can appreciate it's artistic vision and colorfulness. This song was far more deserving of a better video - especially since the front man is handsome and certainly camera-friendly. The strange costumes and makeup on the dancers are simply just unflattering. That paired with the childish jumping choreography makes me feel like the director thought the video was not for 1 of the biggest New Wave songs of the year, but a predecessor for the "Teletubbies" kid show. Just odd. I do appreciate, however, the progressiveness of the weird 'Weeble-Wobble' guy (if you are under 30, you won't know what I am talking about) doing the lyrics in sign-language.

Overall: video - lame. Song - AWESOME!! Nostalgic high school memory of being popular for a month and then booted out again - TRAUMATIC! HAHAHHAHA

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