In short: I love to run. But now I am an old lady with a broken down hip and knee injury that doesn't let me do it much anymore. And that really stinks. When I was 30 I made the goal to run my first half-marathon in Long Beach, CA with my 2 brothers, 1 brother-in-law and 2 friends. And I did it! Then I made the goal to train for a full marathon - the Rock "n" Roll marathon in San Diego. It was then that I pulled up as lame as an old horse on his way to the glue factory. That was a good 4 years ago now and I have not been the same gal since. Now luckily I like enough other modes of fitness to keep me interested in exercising but I really miss running. I miss being out in nature every day. I miss the alone time to reflect while running. I miss the fun of running with someone else too (granted they weren't faster than me). Last night Patrick did another Hash Run (see previous blog) and I couldn't join him because last time my leg gave out at the end. It really stinks! I'll never forget how when I passed under the finish line at the half-marathon the sense of pride I felt manifest in a lump of my throat. I am a very hard person on myself and it's not often I feel proud of myself. The fact that they were playing a Duran Duran song over the loudspeaker made it even more 'radical' to this 80s girl!
So why the lament on running? I just got back from a call back for a great model print job for Adidas catalog. I was the oldest girl they called back (they wanted 28 and under) but the fact that I look younger than my age and that I can pass for a few different ethnicities probably helped. They liked me. You could tell I was a runner - unlike some other younger, much more toned and tanned girls - I had on real running shoes, that were actually worn and dirty and I RAN like a runner. Not all bouncy and cutesy. But I sure wasn't as bouncy and cutesy and toned as those young-uns were - shoot! I'm old and broken down and that big paycheck would really come in handy so I can buy my ol' Irishman the flat screen TV he wants - (lol!!)
Oh well, I can still always get the thrill watching the Summer Olympics and my siblings race
aww babeee... You health is more important than a big screen TV.
Are you not retiring???
from running? I should - since I'm injury-ridden. The only other thing I have retired from recently is promotional modeling..
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