I agree with Di that Fred-the-Basset is Alpha. He and P do Alpha Male contests some times when Fred forgets his place and challenges Patrick. They will stare at each other a real harsh stare for MINUTES with Fred muttering and growling at P until he breaks and comes whimpering to be pet. That said he has asserted himself on me and knows I take care of him more than P so now P refers to me as "Fred's Bitch". ha... HA. Get it? -sigh-
To rub salt in the wound I attached a pic over xmas of Diana and hubby, John with Kilo during a roadtrip to Sedona, Arizona from San Diego. Patrick laments all the time that we can't take Fred camping or hiking - and believe me, we tried foolishly once and he was dead tired after 15 minutes. Just wanted to show P the things one can do with their dog who 'placed first in his obedience class' hahahahahah!!!
Our photo. Eegads, very clever E. Fred can definitely build up to this now that you are walking him E! I'm so proud of you, for a non-dog lover you've come a long way :) Keep in mind, we take Kilo for 45 min - 1 hr walks daily (even in the snow). We've taken him to Big Bear, Santa Barbara and now Sedona. The longest hike he has done has been 6 miles r/t in Big Bear to the John Muir trail. We took several hikes in Sedona, this one was about 3 miles r/t. If going to Sedona, a great dog friendly place we stayed at was the Sky Ranch Lodge and only $90/night. It was very serene. - D
oh i've always loved dogs - i just prefer them living outside in the yard! And don't get P's hopes up about Fred haha! he gets tired after a 10 minute walk - his breed is known to be very sedentary. Gotta be those short legs!
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