I've previously mentioned how much I adore my Frappr map in the corner of this blog which allows you lovely, wonderful readers to tell me where you hail from. I told my beau Patrick yesterday it will be my goal (no matter HOW long it takes) to fill up that map from every place in the World!! LOL!!
Anyhew - I decided a new weekly blog (which I kind of started last week) will be to honor my new readers and where they are from!! There must be a lot of injury-prone runners or Heavy Metal heads out there because I got a lotta new readers today! hee hee. :)
"Mexico Lindo y Querido!" goes the song - let's hear it for my FIRST (FINALLY!) reader hailing from the place of my ancestors - Mexico. Since you are from Tijuana I just want to tell you I remember when the club "Baby Rock" opened up around 1990 and was HUGE! Orale!! Also I got my first reader from Peru - since I have visited your lovely country and city of Lima on 2 occasions now I hope you check out my blog and pics in October! Hello to Vancouver - I know so many actors heading up there to film things - I hear it's beautiful and the new "Hollywood"!! Cheers to Manchester and Cambrey, England - boo, Manchester United - go Barca, Spain all the way!!
On the homefront I've got North Arlington, New Jersey (P made me watch "Sopranos" for the first time last night- do you know any Jersey mob bosses??); Framingham, MA (I spent some time in MA to star in a badly written independent film (more on that some later blog); Lake Worth, FL (is it near my gay friends and models in Miami?? tee hee); and Winnetka, CA and Rockville, MD ("I got nothing"). WELCOME!!! I hope you become regulars. Feel free to leave a comment and put your 2 cents in!! It can be 'anonymous'. Just click on 'comments' link at the end of each blog.
And for those of you who read my blog regularly and STILL haven't marked your Frappr map dot: I'm terribly disappointed in you!! shame!!! Don't you know that Elsa believes in such simple pleasures??? :)
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