That summer we spent a lot of time with Mik's friends. His best friend, Samuele, was in town - who had previously visited us in San Diego since he also was a pilot in the Italian Airforce and they evidently train in the USA at times. By now my Italian was somewhat conversational, but it was nice that Sam spoke English as well since we spent a lot of time with him and his girlfriend, Eliza.
We also spent a week in Rome - staying with Mik's older cousins - 2 unmarried sisters who inherited an incredible apartment right by the famous Spanish Steps. What an incredible time! I really, really, enjoyed Rome. I am sure a lot of it was due to the fact that we had such a beautiful place to stay, with 2 incredible cooks (I ate so much I thought I'd burst) and guides to show us and explain better than any tourist book all about the architecture, history, meanings, and details of the buildings and neighborhoods. I was fascinated by Rome - so much sightseeing was done with us returning to the apartment for a late HUGE lunch, a short (food coma) nap and then out again to see more. It was also interesting to learn that the water is so clean in Rome that you can drink from any pipe, or fountain - so you'd see us and the locals filling up out water bottles, while the tourists bought over expensive water. The Coliseum, the Churches, the ruins: all so humbling to walk around so many centuries later. Of course, I also wanted to see the Sistine Chapel. We walked there and saw that the ailing Pope John Paul was outside blessing one by one about 100 wedding brides and grooms (evidently if you are very rich you can pay to have your marriage blessed by the Pope, himself)! I was so excited when I saw him far, far away that I broke away from Mik and dashed into the crowd of thousands trying to catch a glimpse of his gentle Greatness. Usually I am claustrophobic and hate crowds but I felt nothing but a lump in my throat at seeing in person such a Symbol of Peace and God. I felt proud to be Catholic.
Other highlights of Rome was hanging out with Mauro - a random, hilarious Roman friend of the sisters who came every day for lunch and absolutely took Mik and I under his wing. Mauro was hilarious! In his 40s, married with 2 kids, he was a happy, successful man but you can tell he yearned for his youth and didn't like to be tied down. We thought he liked us so much because he thought we were cool, me being American and Mik now living in America and bringing his American girlfriend to Italy. He spoke a Roman dialect and also spoke so fast that even Mik couldn't understand him most of the time! But he was very congenial and generous, driving us one evening an hour away to the beach or taking us to dinner with his wife one evening. Mauro always showed up on a motorcycle (I HATE those) and he one day made Mik ride with him and I was TERRIFIED seeing them speed off in the WRONG direction weaving in and out amongst on-coming traffic.
But all was smoothed over by his showing us where was the BEST ice cream in Rome - and to this day - ANYWHERE I've been. Let me tell you - fresh made from scratch every day, you always got 2 to 3 different scoops of flavors - and then they'd put a spoonfull of homemade UMMMMM whip cream on top - OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went there EVERY day. A couple time TWICE a day! It was light, and it was CHEAP. I will never forget it..... sigh!
We also made a couple day trips to nearby city of Trieste. Located on the coast - we saw my first castle there (Il Castello di Miramare) overlooking the sea. Then we went into the city to visit our friend Neno who was living and working there after having graduated from the University the previous year. What a great time! Getting drunk with his roommate, Leo, and a group of his friends I tried my first "Parampompule" drink which is lit on fire when they serve it to you. We were laughing and singing and talking so much the owner of the bar took it upon himself to keep joining us and DRINKING our alcohol!!! Which would make us laugh even more! It was one of the 2 times ever that part of the night I don't remember everything - and I am surprised i didn't get sick. I do remember going to the restroom and falling down so hard inside that I thought i had broke my wrist. But I don't remember walking around the square outside where students and 20s somethings would just come up to us and when they found out i was American would freak out chanting "Baywatch, Baywatch!" We did end up at a Communist Festival - I guess I can't run for President now - for a great BBQ and beer garden for the boys. I was convinced they'd be hateful people cooking small children on the grill but it was very family-oriented and fun. he hehehe.
Alas, I have photo albums of wonderful pics and along with these blog entries I hope to always remember the lovely friends and family of Mik's that always made my visits to their beautiful country unforgettable. To go to Italy is a treat, but to actually stay with natives and hang out and do the normal things Italians do - not as a tourist, but as a friend - was a real blessing. I shall never forget it. Viva Italia!! click on the 2 webphoto albums!
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