So, I am officially looking for a new job and essentially a career change. It's a
major life transition for me to do this. I've got 6 years working in public middle and high schools and 12 years professionally acting and modeling. I'll probably go into sales since I am good at talking to people, but I really just love being moved by artistic people, music and writing. Hmmmm.... we shall see. It's a little scary and hard to leave what I've been doing for my entire adult life at this point. I've certainly put in a big effort of time, compromise, travel and money into my performing career. But I am almost 35 now... and I've never known the word, "stability". Plus I've got a fantastic beau who feels like a real partner and I think we can work at and share a great life together. We shall see.... the search is on!
Elsa-You need to try out for American Idol!!!! Kendra
The cut-off age is 28 - I am turning 35 in May.. OTHERWISE, I'd be there!!!! :(
Darn. I would so have voted for you! The kids growing up today have it made--the best TV shows, movies, video games, reality shows to make them famous if they have talent or not....we had to walk 5 miles to school in snow, uphill...waah...
So I have been reading your blog from time to time and felt the need to respond to this one. From personal experience I can tell you that the career change I made to a day job was worth it. I do miss working backstage and all the drama but I am thankful to have a full time job, benefits, weekends off, time with my friends, and the biggest paycheck I have ever seen. I think you will not regret it in the end but try to stay in the arts. That's what you enjoy the most. I push for a music teacher - always thought you should be one.
what a suprise, Caren! thanks for the feedback, and I'll be happy to take your steady job at the SD Opera anyday hehehe. My boyfriend, Patrick, said something similar that I'll be unhappy leaving the Arts after so many years in it. I clarify to you as I did to him, that I would still be singing in the SD Master Chorale and doing artistic things for sure - otherwise I'd kill myself - but just as you left professional stage managing, I also am a little burnt out on my several job situation. Plus I greatly believe in my partnership with P and want to put in an equal amount if we ever do get married or buy a house or anything such. Teaching music is hard - I have done that. Privately and publicly. I am 8 years into public school and pretty dismayed and frustrated with teens nowadays...I can't wait to get out of it. We shall see. Thank you for reading my blog and I wish the best for you and Josh- glad to hear you are still going strong. :)
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